Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Saving The World Part 1 (the reasons)

First and foremost, people should realize why i am doing this. It is not because i love humanity, it is not because i want to do the work, or want to change the world. I am doing this because i can, and i believe that the way to get into heaven (or any other beneficial afterlife there is) is to do what one can to help the world. There was a story that Jesus told where there were two people were giving money to a synagogue. There was a rich patron and a poor widow. When they went in to give there offerings to the temple, the man went up proudly and poured in a substantial amount of money into the coffers, but it was only a small portion of the profits he made. Next the old widow went up and put in a single coin, but it was this single coin was a good portion of her needed revenue. Jesus clearly stated that the old widow would be happier in heaven than the rich man, as what she gave was worth more, as she put in a portion of her life, while the rich man added only some money from his luxury pot.

This isn't what happened word for word, but the general gist is there. To be happier in heaven is to give a portion of ones life to make the world a better place for everyone else. I actually wish that i was born poor and a simpleton, as i would be able to enjoy life without this burden and go to heaven having the utmost joy, but i was born into a bit of wealth (basically one is wealthy if one is living comfortably living in America) and was given the perfect mixture of wisdom, ideas, and madness to take on the world, and make it for the better.

This, if the readers follow my logic, puts me in a bit of a hard position. It means that in Jesus's story, I take the place of the rich man, and must pour some of my life (which will equal quite a bit) into implementing my ideas, and making the world better for all those who are stuck with misfortune and simple bad luck.

If you are interested in saving the world, regardless of personal reasons or reasons in general, i ask you to continue reading, and i promise that the rest of this... idea won't be as boring and pointless as what you have read so far.

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